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 Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Yesterday Bryan posted his "What I Want for Christmas from Canon." So today we ask...

What do YOU want from Canon for Christmas?

Let us know on The-Digital-Picture.com Facebook Page!

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Posted to: Canon News   Category: Facebook Discussions
Post Date: 12/3/2013 7:33:25 AM ET   Posted By: Sean
 Tuesday, November 26, 2013

For today, we have an "off topic" discussion for our Facebook fans...

What do you anticipate most when it comes to the holiday season?

The food, the family, the fun, the gifts, the spirit?

As for me, I love the varied and ample food that inevitably fills my grandmother's kitchen whenever my extended family gets into town. But there's something my family does that I enjoy above everything else - we play Rook (a card game) while catching up, snacking and laughing late into the night.

So that's what I enjoy most about the holidays – playing cards with my family. It almost seems silly, but that's when I feel closest to them – when we're sitting around my grandmother's dining room table, ten cards in hand, trying to catch the unanticipated trick that saves the hand for me and my game partner. [Sean]

Let us know what you anticipate most about the holiday season on our Facebook Page.

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Posted to: Canon News, Sony News   Category: Facebook Discussions
Post Date: 11/26/2013 1:40:23 PM ET   Posted By: Sean
 Friday, November 8, 2013

Canon Korea has a teaser page hinting at an announcement coming this month.

What do you think it is?

Take a guess and let us know on our Facebook Page.

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Posted to: Canon News   Category: Facebook Discussions
Post Date: 11/8/2013 12:45:08 PM ET   Posted By: Sean
 Thursday, October 31, 2013

Somewhere down the road, we all stumbled across photography and became bitten by the bug. But how did it happen for you?

How did you get into photography? What was the catalyst for picking up a camera?

Let us know on our Facebook Page.

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Posted to: Canon News, Sony News   Category: Facebook Discussions
Post Date: 10/31/2013 8:46:36 AM ET   Posted By: Sean
 Friday, October 11, 2013

Camera technology is ever-evolving - Dual Pixel AF, WiFi, GPS and HDR mode are just some of the newest features that have been introduced into recent DSLR bodies. So we want to know...

What feature do you want in your DSLR camera that isn't currently available?

What do you think the next big feature addition should be? What capability do you want that you simply don't have an option for now?

Let us know on our Facebook page.

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Posted to: Canon News, Sony News   Category: Facebook Discussions
Post Date: 10/11/2013 8:55:40 AM ET   Posted By: Sean
 Tuesday, October 8, 2013

In astronomical terms, the difference between 14mm and 800mm is basically nothing. But in photography, the difference is huge. So we want to know...

What's your favorite focal length and why?

Be sure to clarify whether you're shooting with a full-frame or APS-C sensor camera.

Let us know on our Facebook Page.

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Posted to: Canon News, Sony News   Category: Facebook Discussions
Post Date: 10/8/2013 9:26:37 AM ET   Posted By: Sean
 Thursday, October 3, 2013

If you frequent this site, then you obviously enjoy photography. But what specifically about photography do you love the most? What drives you to take pictures?

Is it capturing family memories? Creating art? Seeing someone smile?

Having an excuse to travel to far-flung regions of the globe to experience the wonders of nature?

Let us know what you enjoy most about photography on our Facebook page!

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Posted to: Canon News, Sony News   Category: Facebook Discussions
Post Date: 10/3/2013 7:02:40 AM ET   Posted By: Sean
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