Sue Bryce Replicates Her Natural Light Style with the Profoto B1

From the Profoto YouTube Channel:

What sets a professional photographer apart from everyone else is the ability to create the perfect light. Los Angeles-based portrait photographer Sue Bryce has spent decades creating contemporary fashion-inspired portraiture that makes everyday women look like Vanity Fair fashion models. And she built an international reputation using natural light almost exclusively. Recently, though, she has fallen in love with the Profoto B1.

“I started seeing studio lights the way I see, use and master natural light. I bounce and zig-zag it the same way I do with natural light. The B1 is extraordinary, and it has the ability to dial down to low, soft light with big modifiers so I can create the exact same daylight I have been working with for the last 27 years. I can shoot at any time of the day and still control the light”.

B&H carries the Profot B1 Off-Camera Flash.

Posted: 2/13/2017 8:34:27 AM ET   Posted By: Sean
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